Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 14th

 Live your life in such a way that you'll be remembered for your kindness, compassion, fairness, character, benevolence, and a force for good who had much respect for life, in general. - Germany Kent


Recently, the author heard the story of Teddy Stoddard and his teacher.  Teddy lost his mother when he was in fourth grade and he withdrew and lost interest in school.  Mrs. Thompson was Teddy’s 5th grade teacher and she paid special attention of Teddy.  When he gave her a poorly wrapped gift, she opened it praising Teddy in front of her 5th grade class.  The gift ended up being a partially used bottle of perfume and a bracelet with missing rhinestones.  Children in class laughed at Teddy’s gift, but the teacher thanked Teddy for it and continued to pay attention to him.  After school that day, Teddy told the teacher that she smelled just like his mother.  This situation touched the teacher’s heart and she continued to encourage Teddy and help him in school.  Her encouragement helped propel Teddy to being one of the smartest kids in 5th grade at the end of the school year.  

After Teddy left 5th grade, he sent letters to Mrs. Thompson many times providing her updates of how he was doing.  He continued to be top in his class and continually thanked Mrs. Thompson for being his best teacher ever.  Teddy ended up becoming a medical doctor and again sent a note of thanks to Mrs. Thompson.  When Teddy got married, he asked Mrs. Thompson to attend and she wore the bracelet with missing rhinestones and wore the perfume Teddy had given her.  At the wedding, Teddy gave Mrs. Thompson a hug and thanked her for making him feel important and showing him that after all his setbacks that he could still make a difference.  Mrs. Thompson wiped the tears from her eyes and told Teddy that he had actually taught her.  She told Teddy that she did not really know how to teach until she taught him.

The holiday season is in full swing.  We are all busy with many things including shopping, traveling, parties, etc.  HOWEVER, we all can take time to be kind to others during this holiday season because we do not know how our kind words will make a difference in someone’s life.    

Be kind in thoughts, words and actions.

ACTION: What can you do today to be kind to someone else who can do nothing for you?




Brilliant Living #21 - What Can You Do to Be Kind? - https://vimeo.com/263045638



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