Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 19th

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. – Buddha

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything.  What we think we become. – Buddha

Meditation can be practiced all the time and even in a market place. Meditation is all about being conscious and aware of our actions, thoughts and feelings. – Unknown

Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create. ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

As we continue to strive towards our dreams, we are daily visualizing accomplishing our dreams, daily reviewing our goals and daily taking actions that help us accomplish our goals.  All of these actions are very good because it shows we are focused on our purpose and our dreams.  However, these actions can be an inhibitor to progress because accomplishing our dreams is always on our minds and we are talking to friends about our dreams, but they may not be supportive and encouraging of OUR dreams.  Also, we may get depressed and worried when we see SOME progress on our dreams, but we have not seen the full manifestation of our dreams.  What do we do when we get discouraged?

Meditate on the positive.  Rick Warren said in his daily devotional on March 3, 2019, “If you know how to worry, you know how to meditate.  Meditation is simply focusing on one thought over and over.”  During the trying times of waiting to see our dreams come true, it is important to continually meditate on the positive things of life. 

To stay positive, here are a few examples that will help turn a negative attitude into a positive one: 
  1.         Write in a gratitude journal 2 or 3 amazing things to be thankful for in a day.  By thinking about gratitude, we are mediating on the positive in life. 
  2.      Meditate on a positive poem, song or Bible verse.
  3.      Help someone else.  When helping others, our focus turns to the other person and off of ourselves. 

By meditating on the positive, we change our perspective and refocus our lives toward our dreams.

CHALLENGE: When trying times arise, what will you meditate on?



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