Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 12th

Follow your heart, listen to your inner voice, stop caring about what others think. ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

You will never follow your own inner voice until you clear up the doubts in your mind. ― Roy T. Bennett

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” ―Thomas Jefferson

As we continue on our journey to accomplish our dreams and goals, it is always great to be reminded how important the mind is on this journey.  To prove this statement, science is a great resource.        

Dr. Ellen Langer, a Harvard psychologist, decided to research the perception on how much we think we exercise compared to how our bodies actually look.  Langer talked with hotel maids to see how much they feel they worked out.  As we all know, they are very active in their jobs, but 67% of the maids did not believe they worked out and about 33% did not believe they got any exercise at all. 

The researchers measured the maids body measurements that would indicate overall health including body-fat, waist-to-hip ratio, blood pressure, weight and body mass index.  These numbers indicated the maids’ perception of not exercising even though their job had them regularly exercising. 

Langer divided up the 84 maids into two groups.  Half of the group was told how many calories each of their daily activities burned and also told them that the surgeon general considered their lifestyles to be “active” based on their jobs.  When the researchers returned one month later, the educated group had a decrease in their systolic blood pressure, weight and waist-to-hip ratio.  Additionally, there was a 10 percent drop in the 42 maids blood pressure.  There was concern that the maids had changed their behavior and that is why the decrease may have happened.  However, researchers talked with both the maids and their managers and there was no change in their behavior. 

Langer believes that the change in the maids’ measurements was simply a change in their mindset because they had been educated about how much exercise they did daily.  She believes that our bodies may respond to a mindset over what we are actually doing. 

If you have a strong mind and plant in it a firm resolve, you can change your destiny. ―Paramahansa Yogananda

CHALLENGE: How do you need to change your mindset to help you accomplishing your dreams and goals?



Positive Affirmations to Change Your Attitude - https://www.terri.com/positive-affirmations-to-change-your-attitude/

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