Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 10th

The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment. - Marie Kondo

The most effective way to do it, is to do it. - Amelia Earhart

Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes; work never begun. - Christina Rossetti

Over the last week, I hope you created the list of areas to clean, activities to-do and items to be purchased.  As I have enjoyed my clean apartment, I created a list of areas to consider cleaning and a spring cleaning tips acronym.  Happy Cleaning!    

What did I clean out?

1.       Home/Apartment

2.       Files – Organize papers and trash/shred unnecessary documents.

3.       Email subscriptions – Determine if subscriptions are still needed and if not cancel the subscription.

4.       Technology – Review apps on phone and computer to determine if there are any that need to be deleted.

5.       Volunteering – There is a season for everything and spring is a great time to review current volunteering to determine if they are still the appropriate opportunities.     

6.       Finances – Call companies to negotiate lower rates or cancel any subscriptions that a fee is charged for and that are no longer needed. 

Tips for spring cleaning:

·       Center – Focus on the task at hand and do not allow distractions.  There are two ways to use time for spring cleaning.  First, a full day can be scheduled to clean.  Second, set a time limit every day that will be “cleaning time”, which could be 20 or 30 minutes.  A lot can be accomplished in small amounts of time. 

·       Learn - While cleaning, it is a great time to learn and grow.  Turn on an interesting podcast or an audio book.  On the other side of the matter, silence allows time to think and process.  Determine what is best for you.

·       Evaluate – Review the areas to be cleaned and list of tasks/activities to complete.  Determine if anything else needs to be added to the list and then clean. 

·       Assess – Create piles of items that are no longer needed.  Determine if the items should be thrown away or given away.  For those items to be given away, itemize and take to local charity.

·       Next Steps: 

1.       Schedule time to purchase items that are needed. 

2.       Create a plan to keep home clean.

3.       Set a date for the next in-depth cleaning.  

If you want to improve your life immediately, clean out a closet.  Often it’s what we hold onto that holds us back. – cherylrichardson.com

Challenge: Create a plan to keep your home clean. 


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