Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 12th

Wake up every day and look forward to learning something new. – Richard Branson

I’m an early riser and feel that some of the best ideas come to you between 5 and 6am. – Jonathan Weeks

If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. - William H. McRaven

Life is getting back to “normal” as summer has ended and we are heading into fall.  As we are getting back into a rhythm, we will all encounter days that craziness happens and we feel like nothing gets accomplished.    

While on my road trip to Pennsylvania, I read retired Admiral William McRaven’s book, “Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe the World”.  The former Navy Seal provides 10 ideas to incorporate into life to help individuals change.  The first idea that he talks about is making your bed every morning.  He believes that if you get up every morning and make your bed you are accomplishing the first task for the day.  By accomplishing that task, you will gain a sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task.  Additionally, he believes that if you have a bad day you will see the made bed when you return home and will be encouraged that you accomplished something today and tomorrow will be better.

There are various articles about what successful people do in the morning (a few are listed below in the resources section).  Successful people say they read, workout, meditate, do their one BIG task for the day, etc.  early in the morning.

I have tasks that I want to complete every day; however, after reading McRaven’s book, I changed my mindset.  My goal is to complete those 5 tasks every day before 8am.  With this new mindset, I go throughout my day knowing I accomplished “something” and I am ready to tackle whatever the world brings me next.   

CHALLENGE:  If you do not have a list of daily tasks you want to accomplish, create the list.  Then create your morning routine to accomplish them before you proceed with the rest of the day. 


Retired Admiral McRaven’s Commencement Speech at the University of Texas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxBQLFLei70

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