Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 1st

A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well. - Jeff Bezos

Your personal brand is what differentiates you from others. – unknown

If you’re not branding yourself, you can be sure others do it for you. – unknown

How do you want to be known?  I have been thinking about this for a while.  I want to be known as an amazing Texas Lady and I was reminded of the many great attributes I learned from Texas through my Toastmaster speech, A Texas Lady.  No one can take the Texas out of this LADY and I am very proud of that!  I decided that I want to capitalize on those qualities and traits to “brand” myself here in DC and take that personal brand with me going into my future.   

Texas is defined as “friend” and I want to make the impression that I am friendly and caring.  Recently, I was complemented at a business dinner for sending hand written follow up notes to people that my company meets with on The Hill and I believe that defines me as friendly and thoughtful.  Additionally, I write notes to individuals I meet at networking events and to any speakers I hear at those events.  I learned this from my grandmother….a great Texas lady herself!

Everything we do defines who we are and we should be intentional.  For example, Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week incorporates purple throughout the blog posts, text in emails, etc.  When you saw the color purple, you may have thought it was just a favorite color of mine; however, purple was chosen because it is a color of royalty, nobility, prestige.  In color psychology, purple represents the future, imagination and dreams and I want readers to dream big about their future.

One of my favorite actresses is Audrey Hepburn.  She was known for her classic style in clothing and personality.  In the book Enchantment: The Life of Audrey Hepburn, Donald Spoto said:

Audrey simply knew what clothes suited her and her character, and she had a calm confidence in her sartorial choices that she did not always have in her own talent.

Hepburn knew herself and incorporated her personality and style into many of the movies she appeared in. 

Over the next weeks, I am going to discuss different aspects of creating a personal brand by using the acrostic “B-R-A-N-D”.  Today, the letter B stands for “BE YOURSELF and BE INTENTIONAL!

In everything we do, we need to do it with intentionality and purpose as I did by choosing a color for everything that relates to this blog.  By being intentional and consistent, you are creating a personal brand for yourselves just like Audrey Hepburn did. 




  1. hah! Teresa and I are on the same channel!! This is truly a great post. I love learning about branding. It is a vital part of success that is often disregarded!

    Thanks for the post!
