Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 4th

Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. - Socrates

Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. - Isaac Asimov

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. - Henry Ford

All I have learned, I learned from books. - Abraham Lincoln

All the world is my school and all humanity is my teacher. - George Whitman

Recently, I was reading the book True Reagan by James Rosebush, which talks about what made Ronald Reagan a great President and it mentions that his learning style was visual.  Due to this, his staff would create videotapes providing information about the world leaders he was going to meet.  By reviewing these tapes, Reagan was able to see the personal characteristics and body language of world leaders.  Reagan had a visual image in his mind of each leader before he met them, which assisted with discussions, negotiations, etc.  

As a life-long learner and someone who encourages people to be life-long learners, I have been challenged over the last couple of weeks to rediscover my learning style.  With my love for reading, I thought it was going to be visual; however, I was wrong!

When I was in college participating in human development classes for my communication degree, I learned there were three learning styles…visual, auditory and kinesthetic. 

Visual learners close their eyes when trying to remember information, use illustrations when taking notes, watch videos to help remember information and use every option possible to visualize information to remember something important.   

Auditory learners learn from participating in groups discussions, listen to books on tape and often times will read aloud when proofreading a document or want to grasp an important concept.

Kinesthetic learners learn from being active while learning.  These individuals often pace while studying/learning, act out things to learn and use their finger to lead them when reading to help remember important information.

This was important for me because I have a reading goal; however, since I am an auditory learner it will be wise to incorporate some aspect of auditory learning into my daily life and also include in my 2017 goals.  If we know ourselves, it will help us become our best and help fulfill our purpose, dreams, desires and goals.

CHALLENGE: What is your learning style?  Are you incorporating learning into your day based on how you are going to retain information most effectively?  What changes can you make to help further your knowledge on various topics?

Below are articles to learn more and also a couple assessments to help you to determine your learning style!

Resources/Additional Reading

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