Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 11th

Relentless, repetitive self talk is what changes our self-image. - Denis Waitley

Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought. - Napoleon Hill

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. - Benjamin Franklin

Learning never exhausts the mind. - Leonardo da Vinci

Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process - Euripides

After last week’s Tip, I started catching myself reading things aloud to help comprehend and remember important facts, figures, etc. more effectively.  In the past, I would read aloud and never understood why I was able to understand a sentence better, but now I do! 

Here is another quick tip in regards to learning styles.  Research shows that we have one main dominant learning style, but we usually learn from a combination of learning styles.  When different learning styles are used, different parts of the brain are activated stimulating more parts of the brain. Using more of the brain will help us remember more of what we learn.

For example, I am starting to incorporate visual and auditory learning styles by reading aloud.  Others may need to play with a toy while reading incorporating the kinesthetic and visual learning styles. 

CHALLENGE:  Throughout this week, determine your second most dominant learning style and start incorporating it with your dominant learning style. 


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