Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 13th

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”! – Audrey Hepburn

Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. - Alfred Lord Tennyson
I never lose. I either and win or learn. - Nelson Mandela

Recently, I was listening to a podcast and reading a devotional by Rick Warren about wisdom.  There were many things that I learned, but I thought this was exceptionally pertinent:

As I’ve traveled around the world, I’ve asked questions of taxi cab drivers and prime ministers, and they’ve both taught me.  You can learn from anybody if you know the right questions to ask! 
One of the things I’ve learned is that I have never learned anything while I’m talking.  If my mouth is moving, I’m not learning.  You don’t learn when you’re talking.  You learn when you’re listening.  So you’ve got to learn to listen.

Each of us are uniquely and wonderfully made!  We have a unique reason to be on this Earth.  If you want input on politics from any perspective, I can provide some guidance.  I LOVE IT!  However, I am the last person you want to ask about physics or arts and crafts.  My mom and sister on the other hand are the exact people to help with arts and crafts.  

When I lived in Austin, I had the opportunity to be friends with the most amazing young lady that is a game changer.  She has wisdom beyond her years.  During a small group that I was leading, I made the comment that one of my goals was to memorize a scripture verse a week.  Her immediate response was, “What wisdom and knowledge you will gain!”  Amazingly enough, I still hear her voice say that when I think of her comment.  It is one of the goals that I have not met and know that I need to work on it because it will increase my knowledge and wisdom.  And I could make excuses that I do not have time, but Rick Warren said it best, “You remember what’s important to you.  YOU remember what you love.  You remember what matters to you.”  His examples were that we remember football or baseball stats or even lyrics to songs.  

CHALLENGE: How badly do you want more wisdom or to learn something new?  What are you going to do to make it happen?  

Remember that you can gain wisdom from anyone and never discount someone because of their age, occupation, ethnicity, etc.  

Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you.  - John Wooden

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