Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 14th

God built me to last. – Jackie Robinson

If I had not been discriminated against or had not suffered persecution, I would never have received the Nobel Prize. - Rita Levi-Montalcini

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to see the movie “42”, which is the story of how Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in major league baseball in 1947.  In the movie, Jackie Robinson said, “God built me to last.”  Jimmy Larche (see below for link to article) gave great insight on this quote from Jackie Robinson that was very impactful to me: 

God gave Jackie the physical ability to perform, but he also gave him the emotional, mental, and spiritual fortitude to withstand the persecution and opposition he would face. He was built to withstand the fiery trials of adversity, and Jackie knew that. He was driven by that sense of purpose.

Over the last month, I have asked many times “Why is this happening to me?” instead of being grateful for what I do have and for protection from things that might have happened.  We all going through various times like this in our lives.  It is important to embrace those times and learn and grow from them.  After reading about Jackie Robinson, it helped me put things in perspective.  I know that I have a big dream and I know my purpose just like Jackie Robinson did.  I have to remember that the things I am going through are preparing me for my future. 

We all go through times of trials and persecution.  During those times, remember those times are molding you into the individual you are meant to be and preparing you to accomplish your purpose in this life. 

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. - Jackie Robinson


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