Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 28th

Be the best version of yourself in the defining moments of your life. – Unknown

Life comes down to a few defining moments. – Unknown

There's no one defining moment that kills you or makes you. - Sinbad

We all have “defining moments” in our lives that will forever impact us.  We will meet people that develop into defining moments because of the opportunities those individuals will provide us.  For example, I remember meeting an amazing lady at a political meeting when I was first getting into politics.  Through conversations with her, I became a precinct chair in Travis County.  Little did I know that chance meeting would provide me the opportunity years later to become a leader in Travis County politics.  After that connection, I was at a convention for my previous job and simply asked another vendor contact I knew if she was aware of any jobs in Austin that would not have me traveling so much.  She told me there was a small startup company that was hiring.  I sent in my resume and almost 8 years later I am still at BancVue with many opportunities along the way and I am there Government Relations Manager.  One “chance meeting” or “defining moment” has catapulted me into so many great, amazing opportunities. 

People have also made comments that changed my life.  After moving from Michigan back to Texas, I definitely had a “wall” up and did not think I needed assistance from any man because I was going to be a strong Texas lady.  I was on a business trip with three men and one man grabbed my suitcase from the trunk of our car as any good gentleman would.  I was probably not lady like, grabbed it and carried it in myself.  The next morning, we both were at breakfast and ended up talking.  During the conversation, he politely told me “Stop trying to act like a man and be the lady that you are!”  At that moment, I blew off his statement; however, that statement has stuck with me for almost 10 years and I have regularly checked my behavior to make sure I was being a lady, but still strong to accomplish my job. 

We all meet people along our journey.  Seize each opportunity to meet these people because you never which ones will impact your life. 

Every moment is a moment of decision, and every moment turns us inexorably in the direction of the rest of our lives. ― Mary Balogh, Simply Perfect

I think you only see experiences as defining moments with distance. - Sam Taylor-Wood

When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you. -  Tin Cup Movie on choice

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 21st

Today’s challenge.  Tomorrow’s defining moment. – Sheeba Varghese

There are moments which mark your life.  Moments when you realize nothing will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts – before this, and after this. ~ from “Fallen”

Last week, Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week was about persevering through the hard times because they are molding us for the future.  This past Sunday was a beautiful day in Austin, Texas and I took the opportunity to walk around downtown.  As I was thinking about by upcoming birthday, I started thinking about “defining moments” that have occurred over the years in my life. 

When I got home, I searched “defining moments” on dictionary.com and it is defined as “a point at which the essential nature or character of a person, group, etc., is revealed or identified”. 

Here are a few of my life’s “defining moments” over the years:

  • At 4 years old, my grandmother had me stuffing envelopes for the presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan.  Little did anyone know she instilled in me a love of politics in that campaign office.  Thank you Meme!
  • My junior year of high school I was elected Senior Class President.  When I called my mother to tell her, I asked her over and over again “Why Me?”  So many years later, I now see how that defining moment is still impacting my life.  When I graduated from high school, I received the Timex award…Takes a licking and keeps on ticking.  Sounds sort of like perseverance! 
  • When I lived in Oklahoma, I returned to college to finish my degree.  I look back to see how I persevered through taking 21 ½ hours the last 2 semesters to bring my GPA up to graduate with honors.   
  • When I wrote my Senior Paper for college, I never would have thought doing research on the first televised debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon would ever help me later in life.  However, that research laid the groundwork for understanding the importance of how technology has changed and continues to change politics especially in he 21st century.
  •  While living in Michigan, I decided to follow my faith, which took me on journey back to Texas.  That defining moment changed my life and it has never been the same. 

The best quote to summarize is:  

It’s not what I have been through in my life that defines who I am, it’s how I got through it that has made me the person I am today. – Unknown

When I went through these various “defining moments”, I had no idea how they would affect my life and still are to this day.  I am excited for the next fun and exciting defining moments that I will get to experience as I approach another wonderful year in this world.

I challenge you to look back over your life and discover your “defining moments” and see how they are impacting you still today.  As I can attest, you may think in the moment the event is nothing, but I can assure you that every moment is preparing you to fulfill your purpose in this life. 

Our lives are defined by moments, especially the ones we never see coming. – from The Next Three Days

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 14th

God built me to last. – Jackie Robinson

If I had not been discriminated against or had not suffered persecution, I would never have received the Nobel Prize. - Rita Levi-Montalcini

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to see the movie “42”, which is the story of how Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in major league baseball in 1947.  In the movie, Jackie Robinson said, “God built me to last.”  Jimmy Larche (see below for link to article) gave great insight on this quote from Jackie Robinson that was very impactful to me: 

God gave Jackie the physical ability to perform, but he also gave him the emotional, mental, and spiritual fortitude to withstand the persecution and opposition he would face. He was built to withstand the fiery trials of adversity, and Jackie knew that. He was driven by that sense of purpose.

Over the last month, I have asked many times “Why is this happening to me?” instead of being grateful for what I do have and for protection from things that might have happened.  We all going through various times like this in our lives.  It is important to embrace those times and learn and grow from them.  After reading about Jackie Robinson, it helped me put things in perspective.  I know that I have a big dream and I know my purpose just like Jackie Robinson did.  I have to remember that the things I am going through are preparing me for my future. 

We all go through times of trials and persecution.  During those times, remember those times are molding you into the individual you are meant to be and preparing you to accomplish your purpose in this life. 

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. - Jackie Robinson
