Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 10th

Be still.  Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity. ― Lao Tzu

Wake up…morning run in the rain…laundry…shower…pack luggage…work on Washington, DC meeting schedule…work on documentation for legislator meetings…finish packing…endure the rain on the drive to the airport…schedule a few more meetings based on email responses while at the airport…board the plane….

As I am writing this week’s Tuesday Tip, I am sitting on an airplane traveling to Washington, D.C. for a business trip for a week filled with meetings.  As most people can relate, it was a hectic morning preparing for the trip, finishing business tasks and making it to the airport in adequate time while trying not to p and remain calm and peaceful.  During my morning run, I had planned each activity as I thought best to accomplish it, but we all know that most things do not go as planned.  I know that proper planning and preparation prevents poor performance or at least that is what the guy next to me on the plane said.  

While completing all of my tasks this morning, I had the television on for background noise and the topic was silence and stillness.  After accomplishing a few additional tasks on the airplane, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the “quietness” and the opportunity not to have technology going for a little while.  I know that I will be going non-stop when I land and for the next 3 days.  I love my job and am blessed to have this opportunity, but it still can wear on the nerves. 

My challenge to you is to STOP, close your eyes and be still for 5 minutes….that may sound like a lot to ask, but that simple task will refresh you.  My nerves were frazzled, but deciding to take that time for myself helped refresh me and put my mind in the right positive mindset to accomplish the other tasks I need to complete today and this week. 

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