Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 24th

There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting. – Buddha

Do you ever have a hard time just starting something?  Once you start it, you then have no problem completing the task. 

In the last couple of weeks, the blog posts have been about Teddy Roosevelt’s daily habits of writing every day after his morning swim.  With this habit, he wrote over 30 books.  This is a great idea, but what happens when we hit a “roadblock” that prohibits us from starting and completing the task. 

While on my great European adventure, I started journaling my daily activities so I could send a summary of my adventures to family and friends when I returned.  Those days were great, but I stopped writing my daily activities when I traveled to France and I never finished it.  It is now mid-February and I FINALLY finished it over the weekend.  Two months late…REALLY???  I tried a couple times to start and when I did it was great.  I would write a day’s summary and then move on to completing other tasks.  However, I have been busy with work and at night I just did not want to do it.  I tried various ideas for helping motivate myself, but it was very difficult. 

So how did I finally finish it….I used an idea I read in James Clear’s blog called the “Two-Minute Rule”.  Writing the summary was not hard.  It was finding the time and motivation to just start. 

For anything that we need to accomplish, we will most likely accomplish it if we just start out doing the task for 2 minutes.  Once you start, the fear of starting will be overcome with the desire to accomplish it.  The accomplishment I felt when I finally completed it was well worth the time I spent on Saturday and Sunday FINALLY finishing it….

What is it that you need to complete, but just have not had the time or motivation to do….Just start with 2 minutes…

Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits. – Robert Puller


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