Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - February 10th

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. - Mike Murdock

As we have seen over the last couple of weeks, Teddy Roosevelt was an amazing man!  In his life, he wrote over 30 books, read over 10,000 pages, had various traveling adventures and still had time for his 5 children (plus many more things!). 

To expound on last week’s post about priorities, Roosevelt was able to write 30 books because he decided to write first thing every morning after his swim.  During his Amazon basin expedition, he would wake up before everyone, swim and then write about the previous day’s adventures.  This allowed him to send the various expedition stories back to Scribner’s, which allowed their readers to follow along in the great adventure while it was occurring.  These written excerpts became the book Through the Brazilian Wilderness. 

Why did he do this?  First, he found it best to write early in the morning when there were no disturbances or distractions.  Second, he wrote in the morning because he felt his best and could process the previous day’s experiences.  Third, he knew once he completed the quota of pages he had to complete he was done for the day and move on to other important tasks. 

When do you work best?  Are you a morning person or an evening person?  Psychologist categorize people by what they call “morningness” and eveningness”.  Studies have shown that morning people are happier and more conscientious and night owls might be more intelligent.  Whichever works best for you, determine the best time in your daily routine and do your most important tasks then!

Have an awesome week!

You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. – Anonymous


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