Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 20th

Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide. - Napoleon Bonaparte

What decision do you have to make today?  Have you been agonizing over it for a while?  Yesterday, I finally made a decision that I had been waffling over for 2 months.  Once I made it, I had peace and knew I made the right decision.    

You may be thinking, “Terri, why was this decision so hard for you?”  The decision was hard because it was part of MY plan to fulfill my personal purpose statement and 2015 goals.  However, I discovered it was not something I was supposed to do. 

At the end of July 2014, I applied to speak at a conference for a group in both November and May.  I was selected and participated in the November conference.  The May conference organizer approached me at the November event and said that I had conducted a great session and was excited for May.  That morning, I had been thinking I was not sure it was the right thing for me to do.  When she said this, I told the conference organizer that I wanted to review my schedule before I confirmed that I would speak.  My schedule was pretty crazy for 2014 and I was concerned that I would not be able to spend adequate time on the presentation and did not want to do a disservice to the conference attendees.  She was fine with that and asked that I make a decision by the end of January. 

How did I FINALLY make the decision?  I weighed everything I have going on, looked at my personal purpose statement, 2015 goals and 2015 priorities.  I weighed the pros and cons of how it would be beneficial and mulled it over in my brain for a long while. 

Yes, I could have done it.  However as I told the organizer, I had a few things come up just last week that I had not planned for in 2015 that are going to cause my schedule to be even more hectic than I expected.  To be fair to the attendees, I would not have the time to spend on creating the presentation as I had desired when I originally applied.

At the end of December, my boss and I had a discussion.  He told me to pick the 3 main things I wanted to focus on for work.  Everything else that came up would either be handled or fall away. 
I learned from the conversation with my boss and through this situation that I need to be more focused on the important things in life.  Certain things may be important, but I have to truly think over the pros and cons.  If it is that important, I need to remove another priority so that I do not overload my life. 

My challenge to you is to find your top 3 priorities for 2015 based on your current life situation, goals, purpose statement, etc.  By having all of these items written down and being able to review them to make decisions, you have a clear road map to make help make wise decisions. 


Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. - Unknown

P.S. If you would like information about writing a personal purpose statement, goals or determining your priorities, please contact me and I will be happy to assist.

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