Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 26, 2024

 Be kind to yourself.  You are doing the best you can in this moment. – Ella Sommer

Self-care is not selfish! It is the only way we can give our best to the world! - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/164311086391664086/

As we are approaching the end of the first quarter of 2024, it is time to start analyzing the year to determine our progress and decide if changes need to be made to move us towards accomplishing our goals.

For the author, she is amazed at how the year is going for her.

Work is keeping the author extremely busy even though she is only doing one job this year! Even with this busy schedule, the author is determined to keep the promise to herself for self-care. 

As an update on self-care for the author, she is doing well. For the first update, the author’s health. She continues to work out each day and continues to research ways to improve her sleep. Second, the author is embarking on new volunteer opportunities. In early March, the author became an honorary commander for a group at the local joint reserve base. The author is so excited as she met with the colonel this past week to discuss ideas and has already started working on her first opportunity to help the airmen/airwomen.

Third, the author is working on socializing and her friendships. Since the author moved back to Texas, this area has been a challenge for her. A friend of the authors said it took her three years to make friends when she returned to Texas and the author would agree that it has taken close to the same amount of time.

ACTION: How are you doing with your goals and focuses for 2024? Are there any changes you need to make to accomplish your goals this year? Determine what tweaks you need to make in your life to put you on a path to accomplish your goals and dreams.

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