Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 29, 2023

 Growth doesn’t come looking for me so I have to be proactive. – John Maxwell

If growth is your goal, you will eventually far surpass any goal you can conceive of standing where you are now. – Darren Hardy

Last week, this author discussed developing a personal growth plan, which is a systematic plan for how the reader intentionally plans to grow.

The author has not written a plan, but when she reviewed her 2023 goals, she noticed she was specific in the areas she wanted to learn and grow in this year. Additionally, she remembered that she is focusing on four areas this year in life including prioritization, solitude, communication, and energy.

Maxwell says that one needs to be specific and limit the areas the reader wants to grow in. The author struggles with this idea. In the author’s opinion, she should be a well-rounded individual and have diverse knowledge about various areas. Limiting her knowledge to a few areas concerns the author as she thinks she will be hindered in life. Even with her concerns, the author decided that she had to focus on fewer topics to accomplish her dreams and goals. Learning about an area the author is not strong in such as science will not affect the long-term goals of the author.

ACTION:  Last week, the author challenged the reader to determine what areas he/she needed to grow in to accomplish their goals/dreams/purpose. What areas will you limit yourself to learn and grow in?  How does it make you feel to be intentional in your learning? How will you overcome any negative feelings?





·        Are you growing strategically? -



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