Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 29, 2023

 Growth doesn’t come looking for me so I have to be proactive. – John Maxwell

If growth is your goal, you will eventually far surpass any goal you can conceive of standing where you are now. – Darren Hardy

Last week, this author discussed developing a personal growth plan, which is a systematic plan for how the reader intentionally plans to grow.

The author has not written a plan, but when she reviewed her 2023 goals, she noticed she was specific in the areas she wanted to learn and grow in this year. Additionally, she remembered that she is focusing on four areas this year in life including prioritization, solitude, communication, and energy.

Maxwell says that one needs to be specific and limit the areas the reader wants to grow in. The author struggles with this idea. In the author’s opinion, she should be a well-rounded individual and have diverse knowledge about various areas. Limiting her knowledge to a few areas concerns the author as she thinks she will be hindered in life. Even with her concerns, the author decided that she had to focus on fewer topics to accomplish her dreams and goals. Learning about an area the author is not strong in such as science will not affect the long-term goals of the author.

ACTION:  Last week, the author challenged the reader to determine what areas he/she needed to grow in to accomplish their goals/dreams/purpose. What areas will you limit yourself to learn and grow in?  How does it make you feel to be intentional in your learning? How will you overcome any negative feelings?





·        Are you growing strategically? -



Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 22, 2023

 Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it’s almost always due to personal growth. - John C. Maxwell

Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will get better. – John Maxwell

Does the reader have a personal growth plan?  This was a question the author asked herself recently after hearing videos from John Maxwell discussing when he decided to create his own personal growth plan. 

A growth plan is a system for how the reader plans to grow.  If one is not intentional and specific in developing themselves to accomplish their dreams, goals and purpose, then the reader will not grow in the areas they need to.  In The Maxwell Plan for Personal Growth article, Maxwell states that a growth plan “requires intentionality, focus, and accountability”.   

So what should this plan include?  It all depends on the reader’s goals and dreams.  To get the most out of one’s growth plan, the reader will have to be strategic with growing in the areas that will help move them closer to their dreams and purpose. 

Personal development is a major time-saver. The better you become, the less time it takes you to achieve your goals. ―Brian Tracy

ACTION:  What areas do you want/need to grow in to help achieve your goals, dreams and purpose in life?



·        Are you growing strategically? -



Sunday, August 13, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 8, 2023

 Stay focused on the mission. – Naveen Jain

Life is a mission, not a career. A career is a profession, a mission is a cause. A career asks, What’s in it for me? A mission asks, How can I make a difference? - Sean Covey

Recently, the author was listening to a Minute with Maxwell titled “Staying Mission-Minded Keeps You Motivated”.  In this short video, Don Yager talks about staying mission minded, which reminds us to focus on our purpose.  Our mission should be fueled by passion that drives us daily to strive for excellence and make a difference in the world.

When we are overwhelmed and trying to accomplish our dreams and goals, it is important to focus on our mission and purpose.  Each day when we remind ourselves of our mission and purpose, we will be reenergized and help overcome burnout and focus on the bigger goal.      

When you have purpose and are on a mission, late nights and early mornings are just a part of the pursuit. – JJ Wilx

 ACTION:  How do you daily remind yourself of your mission and purpose?


·        Staying Mission-Minded Keeps You Motivated | MWM -


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 1, 2023

 “Procrastination is not Laziness”, I tell him. “It is fear. Call it by its right name, and forgive yourself.” ― Julia Cameron

Procrastination is the lazy cousin of fear. When we feel anxiety around an activity, we postpone it. - Noelle Hancock

The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started. – Dawson Trotman

Last week, TTTW started discussing ideas of how to complete our work so that we can spend more time on rest, relaxation and time with loved ones in the final month of summer.  This week’s tip is to overcome procrastination and not fear failure.

As the author has stated, she is a recovering perfectionist. Recently, she was assigned a task at work.  Last year when the same task was assigned to her, she waited until the last day to complete the task and was stressed to finish the task.  This year when the task was assigned to her in a new system, the author immediately set up meetings with people she needed assistance from to complete the task and finished the task within 30 minutes.  Finishing the task three weeks early gave the author peace of mind and she knew she was working on overcoming her perfectionist tendencies.     

 In “This former CEO cut her 70-hour workweek down to 30 with 3 productivity hacks—start with ‘tossing your to-do list’”, the author states that to-do lists are actually hindering outputs.  Each time we check off another task, our brains get a hit of dopamine. For this reason, our brains choose the effortless tasks first and push off the larger tasks that will potentially have the most impact in our overall quality of work and our dreams.

We have got to keep the momentum going in order to achieve all of our objectives. – Bill Vaughan

Each reader should focus on the harder tasks to  help us keep our momentum going to prepare us to finish the last quarter of 2023 strong.

ACTION: What big tasks do you need to stop procrastinating on and to help keep your momentum going through the summer to set you up for an amazing last quarter of 2023 and provide more time for what you want to do?   










