Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 11, 2023

 Small changes can make huge destination differences. – Sean Covey

Small changes can produce big results – but the areas of highest leverage are often the least obvious. — Peter Senge

Last week, the author gave steps for a first quarter goal review. Additionally, she challenged readers to think about small actions to implement to have a major impact at the end of 2023.

The author did not give any guidance, restrictions, or ideas on this. Hopefully, everyone thought of some ideas, but the author wanted to give a small action she has implemented that has already had an impact and the author foresees that she will have to continue to work on.

Some may know that the author can talk very softly and very fast. In a job interview a number of years ago, she was told to just slow down. Since January, the author has taken on more responsibilities at work and has had to interact with someone that has intimidated her for years. At first, the author was scared and talked fast. However, as the interactions with this individual have continued, the communication the author has with this person has improved. And the simple action that the author implemented was to slow down. For someone that is goal-driven and always trying to move to the next step and make progress, slowing down is not easy. The author has to continually check the speed of her dialogue to make sure she does not revert back to her old ways. In the long run, the author knows that this small change will have a major impact.  

ACTION:   Review the small changes you decided to implement in your life going forward in 2023.  Make any changes to help make 2023 the best year yet.


·        This One Word Will Keep You Focused -

·        Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week: Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 27th

·        Clear, J. (2018) Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results - Atomic Habits – An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones.  New York, NY: Penguin Random House.  

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