Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - March 21, 2023

The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t. - Joshua Becker

Out of calmness comes clarity. - Trevor Carss

Happy first day of Spring! We are moving closer to beautiful warm days of summer with sand under our toes (depending on vacation plans!).

Last week, the author talked about not falling into the trap of Parkinson’s Law and paying now so that the reader can play later.  The author spent this past weekend paying now so she can play later when vacation comes in less than 90 days! 

Knowing she had a lot of spring cleaning to do, the author created a basic list of things to do.  The plan was to accomplish car maintenance Saturday at 7:30am so she would be able to spend the majority of the day accomplishing her to-do list.  Great plan, but it fell apart when it took longer than she planned for car maintenance.  Furthermore, the author found something she wanted to purchase so she decided to make a “quick” pit stop on the way home.  Four stops later the author finally arrived home around noon.  Three less hours in the day did not help the plan. 

The author regrouped and decided to order online the item she was not able to find in stores.   Additionally, she accomplished fixing a doorknob problem (which she is very proud of herself for), rearranged some furniture, completed some spring cleaning in her bedroom and came up with a plan to accomplish two tasks on her to-do list each night this week when she does not have an activity.  Some of the best planning goes haywire and we have to be flexible, regroup and push forward in life.

Also, the author learned that she had broad tasks on her to-do list and needed to be more specific.  The to-do list will appear longer, but it will be easier to have tasks for each room and estimate time to accomplish the tasks.       

In today’s minimalism and technology environments, there are many articles to give ideas to the reader about decorating and how to create a plan to declutter and spring clean.  The best plan is the one that the reader will stick with and complete.

ACTION:  Review your to-do list and determine what areas you will work on this week to pay now so that you can play later.


·        https://www.homesandgardens.com/life-design/what-is-a-catch-all-day?utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=homesandgardens&fbclid=IwAR03Q3D_uzsDasor7qWOhKNYAG1hRwYRinGZFn7cddJ8qMv6dugnO0vDd-U


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