Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 19, 2022

 You can’t just wish for a better life, you must go out there and create it. – Joel Brown

When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare. – John Wooden.

How is 2022 going so far?  We have made it through a little over a quarter of the year.  Is the reader where they expected to be at this point in the year for their goals?  If the reader’s biggest dream was to come true in October, would the reader be ready? 

The author has been pondering the last question a lot lately.  As she has progressed well on most of her goals, she knows that organization and spring cleaning of her home is not where it needs to be.  If one of her biggest dreams was to come true, she is not ready.  For that reason, the author has focused her attention on working on decluttering. 

When the reader’s dreams come true in 2022, is the reader ready? 

Ideas to prepare include:

    ·       Grow daily in the area of the goal

    ·       Develop strengths

    ·       Declutter and organize

Don’t wait for the opportunity to come to you, work for the opportunity so when it comes you can do something good about it. – John Maxwell


ACTION: What do you need to do in the next couple of months to prepare for your dreams?  









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