Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week- April 26, 2022

Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them. –William Arthur Ward

Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door. – Emily Dickinson

As the author has discussed over the last couple of months, her priorities have refocused since she moved back to Texas.  It has definitely not been easy and she has often fallen back into her old habits.  When she falls back into those habits, she has to stop herself and return to her new habits.  The author discussed last week to prepare as if the reader’s dreams are coming true in October and the author has tried to focus on tasks, activities and events that will hopefully move her closer to her dreams coming true. 

For the author, she has stepped outside her box many times lately to meet new people, network and engage with people in her new area.  Often times, opportunities arise when we least expect them and sometimes we have to help create new opportunities.  The author can also tell you that this will not be easy.  It may take all of the courage the reader has to press toward their dreams.  Like the author, the reader has gone through many learning experiences to prepare for opportunities and they are not even aware of it.  The best plan is to keep pushing forward with confidence that the reader is prepared to accomplish the dream and to narrow the focus on what projects, task, or goals will help move closer to the dreams.

Keep it simple and focus on what matters. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed. - Confucius

ACTION: Over the next quarter, what projects, tasks or goals will you focus on to help you move closer to your dreams?                                                                                









Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 19, 2022

 You can’t just wish for a better life, you must go out there and create it. – Joel Brown

When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare. – John Wooden.

How is 2022 going so far?  We have made it through a little over a quarter of the year.  Is the reader where they expected to be at this point in the year for their goals?  If the reader’s biggest dream was to come true in October, would the reader be ready? 

The author has been pondering the last question a lot lately.  As she has progressed well on most of her goals, she knows that organization and spring cleaning of her home is not where it needs to be.  If one of her biggest dreams was to come true, she is not ready.  For that reason, the author has focused her attention on working on decluttering. 

When the reader’s dreams come true in 2022, is the reader ready? 

Ideas to prepare include:

    ·       Grow daily in the area of the goal

    ·       Develop strengths

    ·       Declutter and organize

Don’t wait for the opportunity to come to you, work for the opportunity so when it comes you can do something good about it. – John Maxwell


ACTION: What do you need to do in the next couple of months to prepare for your dreams?  









Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 12, 2022

 Leaders should influence others in such a way that it builds people up, encourages and edifies them so they can duplicate this attitude in others. - Bob Goshen

Always do your best.  Somebody is watching you. - Colin Powell

Over the weeks, Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week has discussed the difference between coaching and mentoring.  Also, it discussed different aspects of how the reader can be mentored through group discussions, reading books, etc. 

To finish out this series, the author wants to look at this from a different perspective.  How is the reader being a mentor?  It is very easy to take, take, take as we pursue our dreams; however, it is important that we give and help others.  Each one of us has lived a unique life and we can use what we have learned to help others. 


In learning, you will teach, and in teaching, you will learn. -  Phil Collins


After the author had started this series, she was talking with someone at work about how she would be helping a new employee in the unit and the author said, “I will be her mentor”.  Once the author heard herself say this, she realized she was implementing in her life what she had been writing about.


ACTION: As this series comes to an end, how does the reader plan to be a mentor through regular conversations with someone, group events, writing, podcasts, etc. to help others?  





















Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Terr's Tuesday Tip of the Week - April 5, 2022

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. – Margaret Fuller

When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young. – Maya Angelou

Who would the reader like to be mentored by?  Maybe the author would like to be mentored in foreign policy by Madeline Albright or Rachel Ray in cooking or learn about building a business with Jack Welch or be mentored by John Maxwell in leadership.  There are many people in this world that would be a dream come true for the author to sit down and learn from.  However, it is not always possible for this to happen.  In the author’s opinion, the next best thing is reading books written by those individuals to learn how they interacted with world leaders or how to cook or learn business principles. 

This is a proven trait for many presidents.  In an article published by The Guardian in 2016, President Bush and Karl Rove had an annual reading competition and read on average 2 books per week.  While President Obama was in office, he released his holiday reading list showing what he was interested in and learning about at that time.  Additionally, the Clintons released their lists over the years and one of President Clinton’s decisions was influenced by a book he read in law school.

If you want to be rich watch what rich people do everyday and do it. And watch what poor people do and don’t do it. - Les Brown

In John Maxwell’s video titled Author, he said that his mentor wrote books to influence people beyond his reach.  That was the moment that Maxwell decided to be an author so that he could influence people. 

Everyone has the opportunity to learn from the mentors they want to influence their lives. 


I think books are like people, in the sense that they’ll turn up in your life when you most need them. – Emma Thompson


ACTION: Who do you want to be mentored by?  Research this week to see what books the person has written or if they have a podcast.  There is so much to be learned by either of these ways. 



















