Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 18, 2022

 FOMO (fear of missing out) is the enemy of valuing your own time. -

Andrew Yang

Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom. - Marilyn Ferguson


When the author started planning her new life in Texas, she knew that she would have to make choices about what she wanted to continue doing and things that she would stop doing.  A simple thing she decided to stop doing was listening to one particular podcast about the military.  Seems very simple, but it was something the author had to reason out in her mind.  She started listening to the podcast because she loves history and the military.  This particular podcast was only about 30 minutes long.  For the author to finally make the decision to stop listening, she prioritized what was most important for her and this was not the top priority.  As she questioned the decision, she had FOMO…the fear of missing out.  What helped her finally settle on knowing she made the right decision was when she looked at her biggest dreams and desires in her life.  The podcast was not something that would help her accomplish them.  Once she finally determined it would not get her to her ultimate dreams, she was content with her decision.


This was a simple example of FOMO that the author experienced.  For anyone that has experienced or is experiencing FOMO, the author heard the following quote from Darren Hardy that helped her set guidelines for accomplishing her goals, which will allow her to experience Texas again and the wonderful people:


Focus only on what you actually WANT to do, can do and those few MUST do's. - Darren Hardy


 When trying to overcome FOMO, look at the activity/task and determine if it will help the reader accomplish their dreams.  If not, let it go.  The reader has to decide to not let fear stop them from accomplishing their dreams.


ACTION: What changes have you made for 2022 that you have had FOMO about?  How did you handle the fears?  Or if you have FOMO now, how will you overcome it and continue to pursue your dreams?



·       https://dd.darrenhardy.com/22-lessons-leading-into-22-2-5?utm_term=22-lessons-leading-into-22-2-5&utm_campaign=darrendaily&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=199893287&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8ElyLh0S1xk99HEWUch2KF0U67S_LhRVX4q454pOI_TiM8nElYJ42VOf3z3sIlG8Rl7MAn1bMeGz--h11-ekkLwcY3tQ&utm_content=episode-1943&utm_source=hubspot

·       https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-become-more-confident-in-2022/id1138081298?i=1000548208215


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