Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 25, 2022

                     Time is not refundable; use it with intention. - Unknown

  Don’t count the days. Make the days count Don’t think “I’ve got this many days to achieve this”, but instead “How much can I do in each of these days. - Muhammad Ali

Productivity will be a major factor for the author to accomplish her dreams and goals especially since she is pushing herself outside her comfort zone of staying at home working to meet new people and experience new parts of Texas.  She knows she will have to be intentional with her time.  With this in mind, the author has researched productivity tips, created some of her own and will be covering some ideas in the coming weeks. 

The author has a morning routine that she has been following for years and it became even more stringent in the last couple of years with her job.  Her routine includes waking up before the rooster crows, accomplishing her daily personal tasks and then starting her work tasks.  The first and major issue that she is working to change is her wake up time.  Most people are concerned about becoming a morning person; whereas, the author is a morning person and needs to stay up later and sleep in later. 

To change her sleep schedule, the author has tried staying up later reading, which did not work.  Watching television, which was not good for her as the blue light affected her sleeping and caused her mind to not stop.  The author does not have a resolution yet, but she is working on it.

Why is this important?  By changing her sleep pattern, it will allow her to have the personal life she desires. 

Small, wise habits compound over time. —Craig Groeschel

At this point, the author is trying to stay up 5 or 10 minutes later each night to hopefully compound the time to implement the bedtime the author wants.  Other ideas she will be trying include reading in a chair in her bedroom before going to sleep, working to accomplish all tasks in a day so that she does not think about what she did not accomplish that day, etc.  Through all of this, the author learned that she has allowed herself to procrastinate in the mornings because she has adequate time to work on tasks, but always finds other things to delay herself from accomplishing what she needs to do. 

It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about? – Henry David Thoreau


ACTION: What changes do you need to make to help change your life to what you want?  What have you implemented and did not work?  What other changes have you thought of and have not implemented yet?  Thinks of one idea and implement this week.



·       https://productivity95.com/gtd-masterclass%E2%80%95part-i/

·       https://productivity95.com/what-gets-scheduled-gets-done-really/#:~:text=What%20Gets%20Scheduled%20Gets%20Done%3A%20Really%3F%20You%20probably,by%20providing%20a%20mental%20landscape%20to%20your%20week

·       https://ideavisionaction.com/productivity/what-gets-scheduled-gets-done/

·       https://api-assets.life.church/uploads/message/1854/podcast_show_notes/q-a-with-rory-vaden-procrastinate-on-purpose.pdf?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=125463594&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_bQw_pVdBrUnIy1HFAEIlXRyUH5LQ5wnluxeKmhjHkFQmWrc9cJPqRoR5gylvsyJswl6fXo-OWcrM4INTNlbRb_dDxFQ&utm_content=125463594&utm_source=hs_email

·       https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/100-powerful-quotes-that-will-boost-your-productivity.html

·       https://api-assets.life.church/uploads/message/2029/podcast_show_notes/3-secrets-to-starting-new-habits-that-stick.pdf?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=201376837&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9LzcAPj0UR9oVQPIucCzF6h5rsn2HGA9yrLfsOzwQnLG86GhNZFQAN2hanludg-wyYQO4ClK7M13wpfgs7q6GJMjWSPw&utm_content=201376837&utm_source=hs_email

·       https://blog.vantagecircle.com/quotes-on-productivity/


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 18, 2022

 FOMO (fear of missing out) is the enemy of valuing your own time. -

Andrew Yang

Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom. - Marilyn Ferguson


When the author started planning her new life in Texas, she knew that she would have to make choices about what she wanted to continue doing and things that she would stop doing.  A simple thing she decided to stop doing was listening to one particular podcast about the military.  Seems very simple, but it was something the author had to reason out in her mind.  She started listening to the podcast because she loves history and the military.  This particular podcast was only about 30 minutes long.  For the author to finally make the decision to stop listening, she prioritized what was most important for her and this was not the top priority.  As she questioned the decision, she had FOMO…the fear of missing out.  What helped her finally settle on knowing she made the right decision was when she looked at her biggest dreams and desires in her life.  The podcast was not something that would help her accomplish them.  Once she finally determined it would not get her to her ultimate dreams, she was content with her decision.


This was a simple example of FOMO that the author experienced.  For anyone that has experienced or is experiencing FOMO, the author heard the following quote from Darren Hardy that helped her set guidelines for accomplishing her goals, which will allow her to experience Texas again and the wonderful people:


Focus only on what you actually WANT to do, can do and those few MUST do's. - Darren Hardy


 When trying to overcome FOMO, look at the activity/task and determine if it will help the reader accomplish their dreams.  If not, let it go.  The reader has to decide to not let fear stop them from accomplishing their dreams.


ACTION: What changes have you made for 2022 that you have had FOMO about?  How did you handle the fears?  Or if you have FOMO now, how will you overcome it and continue to pursue your dreams?



·       https://dd.darrenhardy.com/22-lessons-leading-into-22-2-5?utm_term=22-lessons-leading-into-22-2-5&utm_campaign=darrendaily&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=199893287&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8ElyLh0S1xk99HEWUch2KF0U67S_LhRVX4q454pOI_TiM8nElYJ42VOf3z3sIlG8Rl7MAn1bMeGz--h11-ekkLwcY3tQ&utm_content=episode-1943&utm_source=hubspot

·       https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-become-more-confident-in-2022/id1138081298?i=1000548208215


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 11, 2022

 Opportunity is everywhere. The key is to develop the vision to see it. -


 A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. - Francis Bacon

 As the author returned to Texas, she reviewed her dreams to determine how to move forward with them in her new life.  Looking at this new opportunity, she knew this was a great time to change her life.  The author has not been a fan of change previously because she likes process and order; however, she saw that this change was good.  Also, she realized that change is not a bad thing and something to be embraced. 

 It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change. - Charles Darwin

As an introvert and a job that keeps the author very busy, her evenings are usually spent staying home and relaxing.  However, the author decided that she wants a different life now.  Many of her 2022 goals revolve around interacting with other people.  She still has her podcast and reading goals, but she also saw this as an opportunity to create a new life for herself.  This does not happen often and she decided to take advantage of it.  Over the last couple years, the author has liked a quote by Brad Paisley:

Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.  


We have all just embarked on a new year and we get to create it to be whatever we want.  What does the reader want it to be? 


ACTION: As you embark on writing your goals for 2022, review your dreams and see what major changes you can make as we embark on this new year.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 4, 2022

 Every day is a new opportunity to change your life and be who you want to be. - Demi Lovato

 I feel that things happen for a reason and open up new opportunities. - Jil Sander


Howdy from Texas!  The major news for the author is that she relocated home to Texas the weekend before Thanksgiving.  The decision was not easy and was something she talked with many trusted advisors about.  On her sister’s birthday, the author told her sister that if she received approval for a change of duty station at her job that she would move back to Texas.  Approval came within 2 weeks and the author immediately started looking for a place to live the next time she was in Texas.  The author made the decision to move because her sister is all the immediate family that she has left.  After moving back, the author’s sister made the comment that this was the closest they had lived to each other since she left for college, which is true.  The author believes that being goal-oriented and having dreams is very important for one’s life, but she knows she only has one sister and how important she is to the author.

When the author first made the decision, she did not see how her dreams would come true and was concerned.  The author had tunnel vision and when she examined the situation from a different vantage point, she saw the decision was probably the right one at the right time.  

One way of opening ourselves up to new opportunities is to make conscious efforts to look differently at our ordinary situations.  Doing so allows a person to see the world as one rife with possibility and to take advantage of some of those possibilities if they seem worth pursuing. - Ken Robinson

 Losing both of the author’s parents within 9 months between 2020 and 2021 was not easy and the author misses them greatly.  However, she knows that they would want her to continue to pursue her dreams and to keep pushing forward, which is what she decided to do.


ACTION: What decisions have you had tunnel vision about?  If you looked at them from a different perspective, could you have a different 2022?