Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - September 14th

 Life is time management. – Oliver Burkeman


With consistency and reps and routine you're going to achieve your goals and get where you want to be. - Mandy Rose


Recently the author was talking with a friend and she said that over the last month and a half especially while in Texas she had no consistency.  The author has a very specific daily routine and during the recent events in her life she learned it was very hard to complete her daily routine.  The author would be up lifting weights and run at 4am and then start working at 6am Central Standard Time and work to 2pm.  After work, she helped with the various things that needed to be done to help with family matters.

The author needed her down time and rest when she returned to Virginia.  As the author is preparing to return to Texas again to assist her sister, she had to rethink her daily routine and how to create consistency in her life even when her regular routine cannot be maintained. 


It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently. - Anthony Robbins


Even during those times when we are so busy, we can create consistency by….


·       Waking up early to focus on the things important to accomplish.  As the author said, her workouts were vital for her and help her with her energy levels.  

·       Prioritizing what is important to help move toward accomplishing goals and dreams.  There will be things that will not be accomplished and that has to be ok, but prioritizing will help the reader stay focused. 

·       Creating a list of things to accomplish.  Even though the author has her automated daily routine including positive affirmations, Bible memorization, etc., seeing a written to-do list of all of the other activities to be accomplished helps the author plan.  Keep the to-do list to a manageable number of tasks because too many tasks could become overwhelming and paralyze the reader from accomplishing tasks. 

·       Working at times when energy levels are the highest.  In an interview between Carey Nieuwhof and Andy Stanley, Nieuwhof discusses to focus on important tasks during “The Green Zone”, which is the time each day that is about 3–5 hours when we are most productive. (Working at Your Best – Part 1 & 2 – Podcast links below)

·       Developing an atmosphere that is best for the reader.  As the author has said many times, she loves to have the ocean waves playing in her apartment while working or reading because it creates calm and peace for her.  What helps the reader focus and accomplish tasks and goals?

·       Establishing a nightly routine to prepare for the next day. 


Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals. - E. James Rohn

ACTION: Design your plan to create consistency in your life as we move into fall next Wednesday (September 22nd).












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