Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - July 6th

 But when I focus on multiplying my time, everything changes.  My horizon is expanded and my intention shifts to beyond just today.  As I start to make considerations of Significance, I start paying more attention to how spending my time today will affect tomorrow. (Procrastinate on Purpose - Rory Vaden - p. 50)


For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned. - Benjamin Franklin

In Procrastinate on Purpose. 5 Permissions to Multiply Your Time, Rory Vaden discusses that there are certain tasks that we spend time on regularly that we could spend extra time on now to provide more time in the long run to work on dreams and goals.  One of those is technology.  Society uses it in so many facets of life today.  Certain aspects can definitely make life easier including automation, which the author found to be a true time saver. 

Why is automation beneficial?  How many hours a week does the reader spend on paying bills, purchasing items online, etc.?  For the author, she spends time each month paying her bills including her rent, electricity, internet, transferring funds for savings, etc.  Due to some issue with setting up bill pay for a couple months, she spent more time on the front end.  However, she knows that by having bill pay established, she will have more time to do other activities and peace of mind knowing she will not have to be concerned about paying these bills or late fees.

Vaden says that there are many tasks that can be automated.  For example, he discussed bill pay, backing up computer files, social media management, online learning, etc. 

Automation is driving the decline of banal and repetitive tasks. -  Amber Rudd

ACTION: What can you automate this week to save you time and use those minutes to make an impact somewhere else?




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