Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 15th


If you quit on the process, you are quitting on the result. - Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

 Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential. - Winston Churchill


To ensure that Parkinson’s law does not rule the lives of dreamers, it is important to implement processes.  According to Rory Vaden in Procrastinate on Purpose (p. 14):

 Anything you create a process for today saves you time tomorrow.

As the author was scrutinizing the above quote, she contemplated the difference between a process and routine.  Process is a set of steps or actions that produce a result; whereas, a routine is a course of action to be followed on a consistent basis. 

Darren Hardy calls his weekly planning process the “jig”.  On Sunday, he spends 30 minutes planning his week to help stay focused on only the essential priorities for that week so that he can “execute with excellence” and not stray from his planned course of action.  By planning the week, his “jig” guides him on executing the priority actions, which helps reduce the effort and energy he must expound.

For the author, she has learned that spending an hour or two on Sunday planning her week at work reduces her stress for the coming week.  Additionally, there is a ripple down effect.  When the author spends time on Sunday cleaning up email and creating a to-do list for the week at work, her days are shorter allowing her to spend more time during the week reading and working on her personal goals. 

The author is not a fan of working on Sundays as she needs down time; however, the process ends up saving her time in the long run. 


I miss the process of doing the things we need to do to get to where we need to go. – John Maxwell on behalf of Coach Wooden


ACTION: What process do you follow to plan your week to help reduce stress and ensure you execute on all necessary tasks?  If you do not have one, create one this week to help plan your life to move closer to accomplishing your goals for 2021.




·       Vaden, Rory. (2015).  Procrastinate on Purpose. 5 Permissions to Multiply Your Time.  Penguin Random House.

·       https://johnmaxwellteam.com/2021-winning/?c=jmax-em-np-bo&jmtc=mwm-word&jmta=mwm-word-cta/

·       https://www.teamnationalusa.com/Who-we-are/Blog/post/can-you-jig-it

·       https://littlechoicesmatter.com/sunday-planner-printable-and-fillable-pdf/

·       Darren Hardy - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-uber-successfuls-guide-to-faster-better-easier/id1449270369?i=1000524935400 

·       https://impossiblehq.com/pomodoro-technique/

·       https://www.askdifference.com/process-vs-routine/

·       https://www.success.com/the-success-line-episode-02-putting-process-before-results-with-stacie/

·       https://quickbooost.com/parkinsons-law/

·       https://impossiblehq.com/parkinsons-law/

·       https://www.lifehack.org/articles/featured/how-to-use-parkinsons-law-to-your-advantage.html#:~:text=How%20to%20Use%20Parkinson%E2%80%99s%20Law%20to%20Get%20More,...%204%20More%20Tips%20on%20Being%20Productive.%20

·       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson's_law

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