Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - November 10th

At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. – Albert Schweitzer


Recently, the author heard a story that gave her a new perspective on 2020.


A professor walked into his classroom and told his student there would be an unscheduled test, which caused fear in the students as they had not prepared.  Placing the papers on each student’s desk, he placed them face down.  When the students turned over the test, all the students saw was a black dot in the middle of the white piece of paper.  Seeing his perplexed students, the instructor told his class to write what they saw. 


Towards the end of the class, the instructor read the responses the students provided.  Every student discussed only the black dot on the paper by describing its size, its location on the paper, etc.  Silence fell over the classroom.  Standing at the front of the room, the instructor gave peace of mind to the students when he told them he would not be grading their test.  He proceeded to explain that no one discussed the white piece of paper.  They only focused on the dot in the middle of the page.  The professor explained that is how we are in life.  We have so many things to be grateful for and to experience, but we often only focus on the dark spots in life.    


Life is a present that we should be grateful for daily.  The problems encountered are often small; however, they are the focal point and the blessings are often missed.    


Each day when we wake up, we need to have the perspective on life of the white open space on the paper.  2020 may have seen like a humongous dark spot in life; however, there are so many things to be grateful for including waking up this morning, being able to read this blog post and for the freedom’s we have in this country. 


ACTION:  Tomorrow (November 11th) is Veteran’s Day, which is a time to honor those who have protected our country to provide us the freedom’s we have.  Find a military veteran and thank them for your freedom.  There is always something to be thankful for. 



·       https://rotaryeclubhouston.org/stories/the-black-dot-story

·       https://alltimeshortstories.com/inspirational-the-black-dot/

·       https://joycemeyer.org/everydayanswers/ea-teachings/thankfulness-the-key-to-having-the-life-you-really-want?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Journey%20Through%20the%20Word-November-2020%2011-1-2020&utm_content=&spMailingID=18006307&spUserID=MTI2ODY0MzIzNDUyS0&spJobID=2000041279&spReportId=MjAwMDA0MTI3OQS2

·       https://my.bible.com/users/tlflow0811/reading-plans/11819-7-day-anxiety-detox-tips-for-overcoming-anxiety/subscription/571337453/day/5/segment/0

·       https://www.shutterfly.com/ideas/gratitude-quotes/


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