Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 18th

Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self. — Eleanor Brown


Clutter isn’t just in your home, attic, garage or office.  Clutter is also in your mind, and distracts you from the amazing things you are meant to do. – Katrina Mayer


The mind is a very powerful thing and what the mind thinks is what comes to pass.  In the mind, there can be mental clutter in the form of bad memories, fear, unforgiveness, poisonous relationships or poor habits.  When we have this mental clutter, it prohibits us from living a simple life and accomplishing our dreams.  Additionally, we encounter mental clutter by worrying about the situations we are encountering.  The “clutter” is not from the situation, but based on how we look at the situation and handle it.     


To remove the mental clutter, one must reprogram the mind with positive thoughts just like an individual declutters their home.  Removing the negative thoughts provides peace, joy and simplicity in life.   


Clear your mind of clutter, congestion and conflict. Free your mind of unproductive, nonessential thoughts about yourself and your life. – Anonymous


ACTION: Write a list of affirmations and review them daily.  We believe more of what we say about ourselves than anyone else. 



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