Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - Febraury 11th

Gossip serves no purpose other than to hear yourself talk. - Catherine Pulsifer

People who judge harshly, criticize and condemn others through gossip, rumor or bad word of mouth are setting themselves up for the same unfair trials. - Scott Allan, Rejection Reset

Bing defines gossip as “casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true”.

As we interact with individuals, we often have the opportunity to talk about other people.  When this happens, we have the opportunity not to judge the person and stop whatever false statement is being made about someone else.  In these situations, we do not know if what someone is saying is true and accurate.  As the author said last week, it is very unlikely that the whole story is known in a situation.  

When the opportunity arises to gossip:

1.       Unless the situation affects the reader, forget whatever someone else states about another individual. 

Forget the slander that you hear before you can repeat it. Forget each slight, each spite, each sheer wherever you may meet it. - Priscilla Leonard

2.       The time spent spreading rumors or listening to someone else gossip is time being wasted accomplishing your dreams.      

Nothing productive is ever achieved as a result of spreading, or listening to gossip. Don't waste your time! You can make more productive use of it. - Catherine Pulsifer, The Principles of Gossip


3.       If the reader is someone that has the desire to state the latest thing they heard about someone, write it down and destroy it.  By expressing it, the reader releases the information and no one knows the potential inaccurate information.   

If you must slander someone don't speak it - but write it - write it in the sand, near the water's edge! - Napoleon Hill, The Law of success

CHALLENGE: When someone comes to you and starts gossiping, what will you do? 

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