Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - October 29th

When you set your mind to achieve something, you must allow yourself the opportunity to get it done. ― Tasha Hoggatt

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice. - Bob Marley

When everything feels like an uphill battle, just think of the view from the top. – patmoorefoundation.com

Even when a breakthrough happens in our dreams, we will many times begin facing new challenges and new hills to climb almost immediately.  

When the author finally was offered a job, she thought it would be an easy process and start working quickly.  However, it took 87 days from when she was offered the job to actually start working.  During that time, the author had to remain patient and again had the opportunity to work on developing her character.  Through those trying days, she remained resilient and volunteered at the local USO. 

On September 3rd, the author started her new job in the federal government not knowing exactly what she would be doing.  Through the first 2 months on the job, she has never done the same thing two days in a row.  Change has occurred regularly and she has had to be flexible and willing to change when needed.  Through the two months, she has been tested many times.  Each uphill battle has provided the author the opportunity to use resilience and the character she developed to remain calm and face each challenge as it arose.  

The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved. -  Samuel Smiles. Author Profession: Author. Nationality: Scottish.

Through the many experiences the author has encountered in 2019, she is learning to develop a mindset to overcome every battle that arises in a calm and peaceful way.

CHALLENGE:  Even when a breakthrough happens and more challenges arise, stay calm and keep fighting to accomplish your dreams. 

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