Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - August 13th

The problem with introspection is that it has no end. - Philip K. Dick

To think too much is a disease. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God.

– Diana Robinson

Meditation is another great exercise to improve mental fitness.  To the author, this was unusual because meditation is the opportunity to clear one’s mind of the stresses of life.  However, research shows that when an individual meditates, the mind is drawn into a different mental state allowing the brain to explore.  When the brain explores and goes to a different mental state, the brain is challenged and this process improves mental fitness.  

Meditation is a practice that fosters mental stamina, perseverance, and the ability to openly receive. - Amy Leigh Mercree, A Little Bit of Meditation: An Introduction to Mindfulness

Life is a mystery – mystery of beauty, bliss and divinity. Meditation is the art of unfolding that mystery. – Amit Ray

For the author, she likes to meditate with ocean waves in the background.  Her favorite spot is the ocean and listening to waves rumbling while meditating takes her to her happy place and relaxes her. 


the ocean

can calm itself,

so can you.


are both

salt water

mixed with


― Nayyirah Waheed

One additional thought on meditation.  Articles read by the author suggested that different thoughts will come to the mind while meditating and those thoughts should be ignored and all energy should be focused on meditating. However, the author believes that while meditating it is beneficial to have a pad of paper available in case there is an idea that needs to be written down or a task that needs to be completed.  The author knows that the only way to free her mind is to write it down when she thinks about it and then deal with it later. 

CHALLENGE:  Take time to meditate this week and allow the brain to wonder and explore. 


·       Today Show Segment about Space Suit - https://youtu.be/s1nfA1yAndk

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