Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 25th

The character of a life is set in ten thousand little moments of everyday life. It’s the themes of struggles that emerge from those little moments that reveal what’s really going on in our hearts. – Paul Tripp, Whiter Than Snow (p.21)

The author experienced a major disruption in her life earlier this year when she had an apartment fire and ended up spending 33 days in a hotel.  Through that experience, she learned how important it is to have disruptions/interruptions in life and how those disruptions/interruptions grew her.

Personal experiences that disrupt stale routines result in the phenomena of cognitive dissiliency, jolting our minds and enhancing our ability to internalizing new information. ― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Additionally, the author learned to look beyond the storm to see what benefits were coming from the situation.  On a regular basis, the author returns to visit the friends she made at the hotel and there are days that she literally is in tears because of how much they make her laugh.  The author’s sometimes stale routine was disrupted allowing her the opportunity to have a new outlook on life.   

Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine. – Mario Fernandez

The author does not desire to have another apartment fire; however, she learned it was her responsibility to find ways to shake up her life.  As Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week discussed on May 28, 2019, the author created a summer bucket list and is using those ideas to shake up her normal everyday mundane tasks of life.  And when interruptions come while living life, the author is going to stay calm, help others, grow and learn in each experience. 

As summer is in full swing, this is the opportunity to try new things, grow and imagine what is possible.

It’s summer and time for wandering… ― Kellie Elmore

Summertime is always the best of what might be. – Charles Bowden

CHALLENGE:  How do you plan on shaking up your life this summer?  Dream BIG!


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