Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - Febraury 19th

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. - Thomas A. Edison

You become what you believe. - Oprah

What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. - Buddha

Now that productivity has increased, it is time to start focusing more on goals and dreams.  Many successful people visualize accomplishing their goals before they actually accomplish them.  In essence, they have thought through every aspect of the dreams and goals before they achieve success.

According to Merriam -Webster dictionary, visualization is:  
  • formation of mental visual image
  • the act or process of interpreting in visual terms or of putting into visible form
  • the process of making an internal organ or part visible by the introduction (as by swallowing) of a radiopaque substance followed by radiography

In Alejandro Reyes’s article Does Visualization Really Work? Here’s Evidence That It Does, he says in layman’s terms that visualization is “recreating all the images, sounds and feelings in your mind surrounding an activity in order to practice in a perfect environment”.

Here are a three people that have visualized their way to success: 
  • Kenya Moore said in People magazine in 2018 that she visualized that she was already Miss America and even had “everyone referring to me as ‘Kenya Moore, Miss USA 1993”.  She won Miss America that same year.   
  • Nate Sharansky was imprisoned in Russia for 13 years after being accused of spying for the United States.  While in solitary confinement, he claimed to mentally have played chess against himself to remain sane.  Ten years after being released he defeated Garry Kasparov, which was the world chess champion at the time, based on his visualization during his imprisonment.  
  • Jack Nicklaus said: 
I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp, in-focus picture of it in my head.

CHALLENGE: Start thinking about your dreams and goals for 2019 and what “scenes” you want to visualize as if you were accomplishing them because you will!




Visualize Your Dream Life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iqu81F4WZq8


Success Secret: Visualization Part 1 - https://www.terri.com/success-secret-visualization-pt-1

Success Secret: Visualization Part 2 - https://www.terri.com/success-secret-visualization-pt-2/

Success Secret: Visualization Part 3 - https://www.terri.com/success-secret-visualization-pt-3/

Success Secret: Visualization Part 4 - https://www.terri.com/success-secret-visualization-pt-4/

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