Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - December 11th

Switch your mentality from “I’m broken and helpless” to “I’m growing and healing” and watch how your life changes for the better.  – amazingmemovement.com 

She’s been through more Hell then you’ll ever know.  But, that’s what giver her beauty an edge…You can’t touch a woman who can wear pain like the grandest of diamonds around her neck. - Alfa

A woman who can take her pain and create something to be used for God's purpose and glory...She's brilliant and she knows how to shine. - A Modern Day Ruth

We all go through trials and tribulations in life.  Those trials and tribulations often cause hurt, pain and bad memories in our lives.  Often times, those memories stay engrained on our minds and continue to affect our lives.  When I met my Marine, a lot of past pain was brought to my remembrance.  To have a good relationship with him, I learned I was going to have to take time to work through those issues.  None of the issues I am dealing with are his fault and I want a healthy relationship with him. 

For any of us to have healthy, successful lives, overcoming our past is important.  It is vital to take the time to overcome the past. 

Lesson Learned: Get Healed from the Past! 

CHALLENGE: Determine the pain from your past and contemplate how you will overcome it.  



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