Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 26th

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt

There is nothing like a dream to create the future. – Victor Hugo

Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of one’s time, for dreams are our realities in waiting.  In dreams, we plan the seeds of our future.  – Unknown

A couple weekends ago, I attended the Fort Worth Livestock Show and Rodeo with my family.  I drove up Friday night and enjoyed dinner with my sister at the legendary Texas cuisine of Reata (http://www.reata.net).

During dinner, my sister and I were talking about her love of the Livestock Show and her job at the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame.  At one point, she said, “What were the two things I always talked about growing up?”  My answer was “baseball and cows”.  My sister spent twenty-three years with her first dream and had a wonderful time working in Major League Baseball.  Now, her second dream has come true with her job at the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame. 

When I drove home, I thought about this conversation.  These were only words that my sister said and had dreamed of, but she imagined them, wrote them down and her dreams came true. 

I had always dreamed of being an Aggie.  I may not have taken the “normal” path by completing my undergraduate degree at Texas A&M University, but my dream came true when I completed a certificate program through the Bush School of Government and Public Service in 2013. 

Your may be dreaming with words or visual pictures.  There is no right way to dream or create a vision board.  The goal is to dream, remind yourself daily and GO AFTER IT!

Good things happen to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. – Eleanor Roosevelt

May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future.  – Harriet Morgan

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 19th

Simplify Your Life.  Learn To Say No.  – picturequotes.com

Boundaries are to protect life, not to limit pleasures. - Edwin Louis Cole
Last week, we discussed how 86,400 seconds are deposited into our “Day Account” and we have to use our time wisely because we will never get one of those seconds back.  This week, I want to talk about saying “NO”.  It is a hard thing to do, but for each of us to accomplish our dreams and goals we must learn to do it.  

Recently, I had to make a hard decision.  I have been serving on a board for a couple years and I stepped down from one position and was asked to continue to serve in another position.  The board position is not difficult because the information I provide during my report goes along with my job.  What I had to think about is that 2016 is going to be busy and I walked into work on the first Monday of January and learned that we had more to do on our trips to Washington, DC than I had thought.  There is going to be a lot of planning and work to do before I leave for my first trip in late February. 
As I was thinking about staying on in this position, I thought about the fact that the leadership position was a way for me to learn, but it was also going to be a debit to my “Day Account”.  I did not say no in this particular situation, but I did have to provide a negotiated plan to continue in the role.  To make this decision, I reviewed my priorities, goals and vision and my decision was based on the priorities in my life. 

When you have to make a decision about taking on a new task or activity, go to your dream board and goals.  Ask yourself, “Will this help me accomplish my dreams and goals?”  After contemplating that question and determining if the task/activity will help you move toward your future, you can decide how to proceed.  

Don’t be afraid to say “NO” or negotiate an option that is best for you.

A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect. - An Iola of Truth

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 12th

I do not want to waste any time.  And if you are not working on important things, you are wasting time. – Dean Kamen

A real woman avoids drama, she knows her time is precious and she’s not wasting it on unimportant things. quotediary.com


Did you have fun last week imagining and dreaming about your future?  How is your dream board/wall coming?  Over the weekend, I rearranged my wall into different categories, discovered new dreams for myself and added more pictures and sticky notes to help me daily visualize my dreams and goals.  I cannot wait to see my dreams come true in 2016!

You may wonder why I put the number 86,400 at the beginning of this blog post.  As I was working on my dream wall, I was looking at everything I am dreaming and imaging.  There are some tasks I can do to make these dreams come true, some things I can do to help myself improve overall and then there are some things that I have to wait patiently to see them come to fruition.  
Every day, 86,400 seconds are deposited into our “Day Account”.  It is important that we use them wisely because we will never get one of these seconds back.  As you are going through your day trying to determine what things you should work on, remember each thing you choose to do will be a debit to your account.  When you go to do a task, ask yourself, “is this debit to my “Day Account” worth it?  Sometimes the answer will be yes and sometimes it will be no.  You must choose how you will proceed.

This week, I challenge you to make wise debits to your “Day Account”!

 Wisdom is knowing when you are being patient, and when you are wasting time by waiting. - Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not FOR SALE