Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - June 9th

The more informed you are, the less arrogant and aggressive you are. - Nelson Mandela

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. - Henry Ford

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. - W.B. Yeats

Recently, an author that I greatly enjoy used the following quote from Richard Restak’s book Mozart’s Brain and the Fighter Pilot:
The richer my knowledge of flora and fauna of the woods, the more I’ll be able to see.  Our perceptions take on richness and depth as a result of all the things that we learn.  What the eye sees is determined by what the brain has learned. 

Today, it the 50th blog post for Terri’s Tuesday Tip.  Over the last 50 weeks, I have had the wonderful opportunity to impart new and interesting thoughts into your life.  To continue to have new topics to discuss, I have continued to learn, experience and see new things to impart that knowledge to you.

I love to read and have completed my 2015 reading goal.  When I read this quote, I decided my brain needed to expand its horizons in different areas.  I obtained Richard’s Restak book about the brain and started implementing some of the 28 exercises he discusses to stretch my mind, challenge myself and increase my memory.  Additionally, I started searching for knowledge on new topics and different viewpoints.  It has been a challenge for me in the short term to grasp new knowledge, but will have great benefits in the long term. 

To give perspective of how I know this will be beneficial, here is an interesting story.  I was recently at a coffee talking to a gentleman about my travels to Europe last Christmas and he said he was going to Thailand for 3 months.  He told me that when he travels he likes to completely immerse himself in the culture and enjoy the opportunity to the fullest.  If I had not experienced my International Adventure last year, I would not have been able to relate to what he was talking about and understand his perspective on traveling. 

What new experiences are you encountering this year to help your perceptions have a deeper richness in your life?  Embrace new challenges and learn from them.  Take what you learn and help someone else.  As human beings, we need to continue to learn, grow and help others.

The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know. ― Michel Legrand

The education of a man is never completed until he dies.  - Robert E. Lee

Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect. ― Samuel Johnson, The Rambler

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