Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 26th

 If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. - Jim Rohn

 You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight. If you want to reach your goals and fulfill your potential, become intentional about your personal growth. It WILL change your life. – Jim Rohn


Last week, Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week explained the “Rule of 5”, which other authors like John Maxwell, Jack Canfield and Terri Savelle Foy discuss regularly.  Foy wrote a book titled “5 Things Successful People Do Before 8 a.m.”.  Her 5 things include: pray, listen to a faith-building message, read for learning, review dreams & goals and exercise.  Each individual will have their own 5 things they do daily based on their goals and dreams. 

As the author was thinking about her “Rule of 5”, she organized it as: 


·       Exercise

·       Listen to podcasts or a book

·       Pray/meditate/positive affirmations/memorization

·       Read

·       Learn - Write down something learned through reading or listening for the day.


Because the author works a lot, she combines activities such as listening to podcasts while exercising.  When she hears something she wants to remember, she creates a task on her phone of where to relisten and then types up the information in a spreadsheet when she returns to her apartment.  The author started doing this in 2020 and has over 600 different things she has learned. 


Also, she has a number of tasks on her to-do list that she completes while walking after her morning run, walking to pick up her mail, getting ready for work or waiting in line.  Having them on her phone makes it easy to accomplish when she has a few moments free.  When the author marks off a task, dopamine (neurotransmitter) releases in her brain creating a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.  That simple release of dopamine motivates the author to continue completing more tasks! 


As the reader creates their five daily actions, a quote by Warren Buffet gives great insight into why this is so important:


The best investment you'll ever make is in yourself.


ACTION:  Write 5 actions you want to do daily to invest in yourself.  When do you plan to accomplish?  Set time aside daily to accomplish them.



·       https://www.facilethings.com/blog/en/micro-tasks.html

·       https://thehumanfactor.biz/three-steps-to-creating-an-intentional-culture/

·       https://www.becomingminimalist.com/the-helpful-guide-to-living-an-intentional-life/

·       https://www.bates-communications.com/bates-blog/great-leadership-style-the-power-of-intentionality

·       https://www.simplyfiercely.com/an-intro-to-intentional-living/

·       https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/mark-cole-do-you-want-to-grow/

·       https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/how-to-develop-traits-that-build-wealth-get-rich-2019-5

·       https://www.success.com/beyond-resolutions-the-complete-guide-to-achieving-your-new-year-goals/





Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 19th

 There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results. - Kenneth Blanchard

Wanting to win isn't enough. You have to go through a process to improve. That takes patience, perseverance, and intentionality. - John C. Maxwell


Last week, the author explained how she chose the word “intentional” for her 2021 word of the year.   To accomplish dreams and goals, the reader must also be intentional in their life day after day after day. 


In reading the author has done, she learned about the “The Rule of 5”.  Jack Canfield and John Maxwell both talk about how they have accomplished so much in life with the “Rule of 5”.  What is “The Rule of 5”?  It simply states to do the same 5 things every day to grow, learn, develop and move the reader closer to their goals. 


Think about this…what could the reader accomplish if 1,825 actions were taken toward accomplishing a goal/dream?  That is what occurs if 5 actions are taken every day for one full year.  Ron Scolastico told Jack Canfield it is the same as cutting down a tree.  Going outside and taking 5 swings at a tree one time will not bring down a tree.  However, if an ax hits a tree 5 times a day continuously, the tree will finally come down.


It is the same for the reader.  The reader can accomplish their goals by doing 5 actions a day to move them closer to their dreams.  The first thought that may have come to mind is “what actions”?  According to John Maxwell, each day he reads, files, thinks, asks questions and writes.  These are not complex actions, but simple actions that he does consistently to help him accomplish his dreams and purpose in life. 


ACTION:  Start thinking about the actions/activities/tasks that you need to do intentionally daily to help accomplish your goals and dreams.




·       https://www.samuelthomasdavies.com/the-rule-of-five/

·       https://youtu.be/_3GUUQc5lNk

·       https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/the-rule-of-5-for-the-john-maxwell-company/

·       https://stunningmotivation.com/rule-of-five/

·       https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/the-rule-of-5-for-the-john-maxwell-company/#:~:text=The%20Rule%20of%205%20is%20simply%20a%20series,Rule%20of%205%20for%20The%20John%20Maxwell%20Company

·       https://thehumanfactor.biz/three-steps-to-creating-an-intentional-culture/

·       https://www.becomingminimalist.com/the-helpful-guide-to-living-an-intentional-life/

·       https://www.bates-communications.com/bates-blog/great-leadership-style-the-power-of-intentionality

·       https://www.simplyfiercely.com/an-intro-to-intentional-living/

·       https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/mark-cole-do-you-want-to-grow/

·       https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/how-to-develop-traits-that-build-wealth-get-rich-2019-5

·       https://www.success.com/beyond-resolutions-the-complete-guide-to-achieving-your-new-year-goals/






Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 12th


Buzyness, however, is moral laziness because it involves refusing to live with courage and intentionality. - Dan B. Allender


Ultimately, human intentionality is the most powerful evolutionary force on this planet. - George Leonard


The reader may have noticed a theme in the quotes the author has been selecting over the last couple of weeks.  Has the reader discovered it?  The theme is: intentionality. 


A couple weeks before the end of 2020, the author was talking with her professional coach.  During that conversation, the coach said the author needed to be “intentional” in her vacation planning.  Since that day, the author has thought about intentional living every day. 


Merriam-Webster dictionary defines intentional as: done by intention or design.


Intentional is the word for the author this year.  After 2020, living intentionally is one of the best ways we can plan to accomplish goals in 2021.  If we are not intentional, we may allow the unknown circumstances that come at us to get us off track.  However, a life of intentionality will make us daily think about the purpose that we have and implement a plan to accomplish that purpose. 


The author has been and will continue to be intentional about her personal growth plan.  In the coming weeks, the author will tell a story from her trip to Texas in December about why intentional growth is so important to her. 


No matter what goals the reader has already established, create a personal growth plan and be intentional about how this plan will help the reader grow and accomplish dreams and goals.  


Next week, the author will talk about a concept learned from Jack Canfield and John Maxwell that the author is implementing in 2021 and the reader should highly consider implementing also.


Intentional days create a life on purpose. - Adrienne Enns, Intentional Days: Creating Your Life on Purpose


ACTION: What actions do you want to incorporate into your life in 2021 for a personal growth plan?  This could be reading certain books, listening to podcasts, writing articles or a book, developing videos, writing speeches, etc.  What do you need to do to accomplish your dreams and goals?





·       https://thehumanfactor.biz/three-steps-to-creating-an-intentional-culture/

·       https://www.success.com/5-daily-habits-of-highly-successful-people/?fbclid=IwAR2ILKCFQVZndcgHSOubqNAIkzxgZqcLBqKw52Yo9IPIKle2jO0-25IAJwE

·       https://www.becomingminimalist.com/the-helpful-guide-to-living-an-intentional-life/

·       https://www.bates-communications.com/bates-blog/great-leadership-style-the-power-of-intentionality

·       https://www.simplyfiercely.com/an-intro-to-intentional-living/

·       https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/mark-cole-do-you-want-to-grow/

·       https://www.success.com/beyond-resolutions-the-complete-guide-to-achieving-your-new-year-goals/

·       https://www.success.com/to-be-successful-focus-on-your-personal-growth/


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Terri's Tuesday Tip of the Week - January 5, 2021

 Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. - Alexander Graham Bell

Proper preparation prevents poor performance. - Charlie Batch

A winning effort begins with preparation. -  Joe Gibbs


What did the reader decide they wanted to accomplish in 2021?


One of my favorite quotes when it comes to dreaming big is from Walt Disney:


If you can dream it, you can do it.  Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.


Disney had a trying childhood with his father, went bankrupt and had to deal with animators that went on strike during World War II.  Once Mickey Mouse was created, the first film with the animated character became popular in the 1920s.  According to Biography.com, bankers rejected the mouse 300 times before one finally took a chance on Mickey.  That one yes made Mickey Mouse popular in households across the country.  Children still love the mouse almost 100 years later and families travel to Disneyland and Disneyworld to experience the joy and excitement he brings to children. 


Disney did not give up.  He was resilient and persevered and changed children’s passions forever by one simple dream. 


One dream can change the reader’s life.  Now that dreams are written, the next step is to create goals to move closer to accomplishing the reader’s dreams.  Over the years of this blog post, the author has written about creating goals based on the S.M.A.R.T. technique and the 6 F’s, which can be found by searching Terri’s Tuesday Tip of the Week (https://tuesdaytipoftheweek.blogspot.com/).  Also, the author read a great article “Beyond Resolutions: The Complete Guide to Achieving Your 2021 New Year Goals” by Michael Pietrzak on success.com that can be found in the resource section below. 


You hit home runs not by chance but by preparation. – Roger Maris


Preparation and planning will set the reader up for accomplishing dreams. 


ACTION:  Take time this week to develop quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals based on your dreams.  To hit the ball out of the park on accomplishing goals in 2021, we must prepare and not leave our dreams up to chance.    




·       https://thehumanfactor.biz/three-steps-to-creating-an-intentional-culture/

·       https://www.becomingminimalist.com/the-helpful-guide-to-living-an-intentional-life/

·       https://www.bates-communications.com/bates-blog/great-leadership-style-the-power-of-intentionality

·       https://www.simplyfiercely.com/an-intro-to-intentional-living/

·       https://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/mark-cole-do-you-want-to-grow/

·       https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/how-to-develop-traits-that-build-wealth-get-rich-2019-5

·       https://www.success.com/beyond-resolutions-the-complete-guide-to-achieving-your-new-year-goals/

·       https://www.biography.com/news/walt-disney-failures